"Programming Methodologies" Lecture Info
Information on the "Programming Methodologies" class starting on 2017/4/10
We use the Scrapbox system for the class. Scrapbox is a powerful information magement / information sharing system on the Web.
All the lecture notes will be put on this Scrapbox page.
Create your account on Scrapbox for taking the course.
You need a Google account (for GMail, etc.) to create a Scrapbox account.
You can create a Google accout here. You can also use your keio.jp account (G suite account).
Create a new project sfc-pm2017-(loginID) using your CNS login ID.
Use this page for all your activities like class attendance notification, paper submission, asking questions, etc.
Set the page to the "public" mode.
Click "Settings" in the menu at the top-right corner.
When you attend the lecture, create a page "lecture1" and write something on the page.
Write questions on yourquestion page.